Temporary teaching position at South Ripley Elementary in the Moderate Classroom setting to fill a leave due to FMLA. Start date will be March 31, 2025 through the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year. Candidates with appropriate licensure to teach students with moderate disabilities, or any licensed teacher candidates, will be preferred; however all candidates with appropriate experience will be considered.
Applications will be taken through the posting period or until filled.
Only Online applications will be accepted. Access through our corporation website at www.sripley.k12.in.us and select the link "Employment Opportunities". Apply using the "Elementary Teacher - Special Education - Temporary FMLA" application.
Job Listings may be found at: https://southripley.cloud.talentedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
If you have any technical difficulties completing the online application, please contact Karen Sieverding at the central office at 812-689-6282.
Any new hire after July 1, 2009 will be required to complete an Expanded Criminal History background check through the school-approved vendor at the employee's expense.